Enable this option if the image is purely decorative and does not add any information to the content on the page. It will be ignored by screen readers and not given any alternative text.
Enable this option if the image is purely decorative and does not add anyAukera hau gaitu ezazu irudia apaingarria baino ez bada eta ez badio orriko edukiari information to the content on the page. It will be ignored by screen readers and not given any alternative textziorik gehitzen. Pantaila irakurgailuek ez dute kontuan izango eta ez diote ordezko testurik emango.
Enable this option if the image is purely decorative and does not add any information to the content on the page. It will be ignored by screen readers and not given any alternative text.
Beharrezkoa da. Nabigatzaileak ezin badu irudia kargatu, bere ordez testu hau bistaratuko da. Testu-irakurleek ere erabiliaEnable this option if the image is purely decorative and does not add any information to the content on the page. It will be ignored by screen readers and not given any alternative text.
Enable this option if the image is purely decorative and does not add anyAukera hau gaitu ezazu irudia apaingarria baino ez bada eta ez badio orriko edukiari information to the content on the page. It will be ignored by screen readers and not given any alternative textziorik gehitzen. Pantaila irakurgailuek ez dute kontuan izango eta ez diote ordezko testurik emango.