Label used for accessibility, where the Read speaker reads that this is a draggable element. Variable available: @index, @count
Label used for accessibility, where the Read speaker reads that this is a draggable element. VariablMerking for tilgjengelighet. Skjermleser leser at dette er et flyttbart element. Tilgjengelige avarilabler: @index, @count
Label used for accessibility, where the Read speaker reads that this is a draggable element. Variable available: @index, @count
Label used for accessibility, where the Read speaker reads it before the tip is readthat this is a draggable element. Variable available: @index, @count
Label used for accessibility, where the Read speaker reads that this is a draggable element. VariablMerking for tilgjengelighet. Skjermleser leser at dette er et flyttbart element. Tilgjengeligeavarilabler: @index, @count