The translation was automatically locked due to following alerts: Could not parse translation files.
![]() Translation approved |

Resolved comment
[@otacke](/weblate/user/otacke/) Changing the English source in Weblate doesn't work, as nearly all H5P content types only have the .en.json file as a template for the other translation files. Its content is not used to display the English strings in the user interface as far as I know. There the strings from the semantics.json file are used.
If chosen scores from for instance IPokud jsou vybrána skóre například z interactive Videos will be added to the total score obtained. If not chosen only scoktivních videí, budou přidána k celkovému získanému skóre. Pokud je nezvolíte, budou se počítat pouze skóresspecified in the feedback sections of the content items, branching questions and end scenarios will countkovaná v sekcích zpětné vazby položek obsahu, větvené otázky a konečné scénáře.