If chosen scores from for instance Interactive Videos will be added to the total score obtained. If not chosen only scores specified in the feedback sections of the content items, branching questions and end scenarios will count.
If chosen scores from for instance Interactive Videos will be added to the total score obtained. If not chosen only scores specified in the feedback sections of the content items, branching questions and end scenarios will countAk vyberiete skóre napríklad z interaktívnych videí, pripočíta sa k celkovému získanému skóre. Ak nie je vybraté, počítajú sa iba skóre špecifikované v sekciách spätnej väzby položiek obsahu, otázky vetvenia a konečné scenáre.
If chosen scores from for instance Interactive Videos will be added to the total score obtained. If not chosen only scores specified in the feedback sections of the content items, branching questions and end scenarios will count.
If chosen scores from for instance Interactive Videos will be added to the total score obtained. If not chosen only scores specified in the feedback sections of the content items, branching questions and end scenarios will count.
If chosen scores from for instance Interactive Videos will be added to the total score obtained. If not chosen only scores specified in the feedback sections of the content items, branching questions and end scenarios will countAk vyberiete skóre napríklad z interaktívnych videí, pripočíta sa k celkovému získanému skóre. Ak nie je vybraté, počítajú sa iba skóre špecifikované v sekciách spätnej väzby položiek obsahu, otázky vetvenia a konečné scenáre.