H5P will reach out to the contact person in case there are any issues with the content shared by the publisher. The contact person"s name or other information will not be published or shared with third parties
H5P porase en contacto coa persoa indicada no caso de que se produza calquera problema co contido compartido polo editor. Non se farán público nin se compartirán con terceiros nin o nome da persoa de contacto nin ningunha outra información.
H5P will reach out to the contact person in case there are any issues with the content shared by the publisher. The contact person"s name or other information will not be published or shared with third parties
H5P porase en contacto coa persoa indicada no caso de que se produza calquera problema co contido compartido polo editor. Non se farán público nin se compartirán con terceiros nin o nome da persoa de contacto nin ningunha outra información.
H5P will reach out to the contact person in case there are any issues with the content shared by the publisher. The contact person"s name or other information will not be published or shared with third parties