Determine how long each section is expected to be in relation to the other sections. Example: Section 1 = 1; Section 2 = 3 (triple the length of 1); Section 3 = 1 (same length as section 1).
Vrednot uteži pomeni dolžino odstavka v primerjavi z drugimi odstavki. Na primer odstavek z utežjo 3 mora obsegati 3 dolžine odstavka z utežjo 1. Odstavka lahko imata tudi enako utež, če morata biti enako dolga.
Enter the weight of this sectioDetermine how long each section is expected to be in relativeon to the other sections. The weight determines how long a section is expected to be compared to otherExample: Section 1 = 1; Section 2 = 3 (triple the length of 1); Section 3 = 1 (same length as sections 1).
Enter the weight of this section relative to other sections. The weight determines how long a section is expected to be compared to other sections.
Vrednot uteži pomeni dolžino odstavka v primerjavi z drugimi odstavki. Na primer odstavek z utežjo 3 mora obsegati 3 dolžine odstavka z utežjo 1. Odstavka lahko imata tudi enako utež, če morata biti enako dolga.