Automatically go to next question when alternative is selected. This needs to be turned off to make the content fully accessible when using a screen reader.
Automātiski doties pie nākamā jautājuma kad izvēlēts atbildes variantsatically go to next question when alternative is selected. This needs to be turned off to make the content fully accessible when using a screen reader.
Automatically go to next question when alternative is selected. This needs to be turned off to make the content fully accessible when using a screen reader.
Automātiski doties pie nākamā jautājuma kad izvēlēts atbildes variants
Automatically go to next question when alternative is selected. This needs to be turned off to make the content fully accessible when using a screen reader.
Automātiski doties pie nākamā jautājuma kad izvēlēts atbildes variants
ātiski doties pie nākamā jautājuma kad izvēlēts atbildes variantsatically go to next question when alternative is selected. This needs to be turned off to make the content fully accessible when using a screen reader.