Choose between scaling modes. "Human time" shows date in years before and after the Common Era using regular notation, while "Cosmological time" shows dates using scientific notation. Cosmological time will be enforced if years are too small or too large. "Indexed" is useful when you want to skew timeframes and make all events seem equally far apart.
选择缩放模式。"人类时间"以常规表示法显示公元前后的年份,而"宇宙时间"使用科学表示法显示日期。Cosmological time Cosmological time will be enforced if years are too small or too large. "索引"对于扭曲时间轴,使所有事件看起来等距离开的情况很有用。
Choose between scaling modes. "Human time" shows date in years before and after the Common Era using regular notation, while "Cosmological time" shows dates using scientific notation. "Indexed" is useful when you want to skew timeframes and make all events seem equally far apart.