Choose between scaling modes. "Human time" shows date in years before and after the Common Era using regular notation, while "Cosmological time" shows dates using scientific notation. Cosmological time will be enforced if years are too small or too large. "Indexed" is useful when you want to skew timeframes and make all events seem equally far apart.
Velg mellom ulike tidsskalaar. "Vanleg tid" viser datoer i år før og etter vår tidsregning, mens "Kosmologisk tid" brukar vitenskapelig notasjon for å vise årstall. Cosmological time will be enforced if years are too small or too large. "Indeksert" er nyttig viss ein ynskjer å skjule årstall og heller ha likt mellomrom mellom kvar hendelse i tidslinjen.
” file was changed. 4 months ago