Choose between scaling modes. "Human time" shows date in years before and after the Common Era using regular notation, while "Cosmological time" shows dates using scientific notation. Cosmological time will be enforced if years are too small or too large. "Indexed" is useful when you want to skew timeframes and make all events seem equally far apart.
Aukeratu eskalatzeko moduen artean. "Giza-denbora"-k Aro Komunaren aurreko eta ondorengo urteetako data erakusten du notazio arrunta erabiliz, eta "Denbora kosmologikoa"-k, aldiz, datak idazkera zientifikoa erabiliz. Cosmological time will be enforced if years are too small or too large. "Indexatua" erabilgarria da denbora-tarteak banandu nahi dituzunean eta gertaera guztiak berdin urrun daudela dirudi.
” file was changed. 4 months ago