Write each statement on a separate line. Use an empty line to separate sets of statements. First statement is always correct. If there is a tip - it is written on the first line with the prefix " : "
Write each statement on a separate line. Use an empty line to separate sets of statements. First statement is always correct. If there is a tip - it is written on the first line with the prefix " : "
Write each statement on a separate line. Use an empty line to separate sets of statements. First statement is always correct. If there is a tip - it is written on the first line with the prefix " : "Мэдэгдэл бүрийг тусдаа мөрөнд бич. Мэдэгдлийн багцыг салгахын тулд хоосон мөр ашиглана уу. Эхний мэдэгдэл үргэлж зөв байдаг. Хэрэв зөвлөгөө байгаа бол энэ нь эхний мөрөнд " : " угтвартай бичигдсэн болно.
Write each statement on a separate line. Use an empty line to separate sets of statements. First statement is always correct. If there is a tip - it is written on the first line with the prefix " : "
Write each statement on a separate line. Use an empty line to separate sets of statements. First statement is always correct. If there is a tip - it is written on the first line with the prefix " : "
Write each statement on a separate line. Use an empty line to separate sets of statements. First statement is always correct. If there is a tip - it is written on the first line with the prefix " : "
Use an empty line to separate sets of statements.
First statement is always correct.
If there is a tip - it is written on the first line with the prefix " : "
Мэдэгдлийн багцыг салгахын тулд хоосон мөр ашиглана уу.
Эхний мэдэгдэл үргэлж зөв байдаг.
Хэрэв зөвлөгөө байгаа бол энэ нь эхний мөрөнд " : " угтвартай бичигдсэн болно