Some words could not be placed. If you are using fixed words, please make sure that their position doesn't prevent other words from being placed. Words with the same alignment may not be placed touching each other. Problematic word(s): @words
Some words could not be placed. Si usted está usando palabras fijadas, por favor asegúrese de que sus posiciones no impidan que se coloquen otras palabras. Words with the same alignment may not be placed touching each other. Palabra(s) problemática(s): @words
Could not generate a crossword with the given words. Please try again with fewer words or words that have more characters in common.
No se pudo generar un crucigrama con las palabras dadas. Por favor intente nuevamente con menos palabras, o con palabras que tengan más caracteres en común.Si usted está usando palabras fijadas, por favor asegúrese de que sus posiciones no impidan que se coloquen otras palabras.
” file was changed. 2 years ago