"semantics[0].label" = "Media"; "semantics[0].fields[0].label" = "Tip"; "semantics[0].fields[0].description" = "Suport opțional de afișat deasupra întrebării."; "semantics[0].fields[1].label" = "Dezactivați mărirea imaginii"; "semantics[1].label" = "Task description"; "semantics[1].default" = "Fill in the missing words"; "semantics[1].description" = "A guide telling the user how to answer this task."; "semantics[2].label" = "Text blocks"; "semantics[2].entity" = "text block"; "semantics[2].field.label" = "Line of text"; "semantics[2].field.placeholder" = "Oslo is the capital of *Norway*."; "semantics[2].field.important.description" = ""; "semantics[2].field.important.example" = "H5P content may be edited using a *browser/web-browser:Something you use every day*."; "semantics[3].label" = "Overall Feedback"; "semantics[3].fields[0].widgets[0].label" = "Default"; "semantics[3].fields[0].label" = "Define custom feedback for any score range"; "semantics[3].fields[0].description" = "Click the \"Add range\" button to add as many ranges as you need. Example: 0-20% Bad score, 21-91% Average Score, 91-100% Great Score!"; "semantics[3].fields[0].entity" = "range"; "semantics[3].fields[0].field.fields[0].label" = "Score Range"; "semantics[3].fields[0].field.fields[2].label" = "Feedback for defined score range"; "semantics[3].fields[0].field.fields[2].placeholder" = "Fill in the feedback"; "semantics[4].label" = "Text for \"Show solutions\" button"; "semantics[4].default" = "Show solution"; "semantics[5].label" = "Text for \"Retry\" button"; "semantics[5].default" = "Retry"; "semantics[6].label" = "Text for \"Check\" button"; "semantics[6].default" = "Check"; "semantics[7].label" = "Text for \"Submit\" button"; "semantics[7].default" = "Submit"; "semantics[8].label" = "Text for \"Not filled out\" message"; "semantics[8].default" = "Please fill in all blanks to view solution"; "semantics[9].label" = "Text for \"':ans' is correct\" message"; "semantics[9].default" = "':ans' is correct"; "semantics[10].label" = "Text for \"':ans' is wrong\" message"; "semantics[10].default" = "':ans' is wrong"; "semantics[11].label" = "Text for \"Answered correctly\" message"; "semantics[11].default" = "Answered correctly"; "semantics[12].label" = "Text for \"Answered incorrectly\" message"; "semantics[12].default" = "Answered incorrectly"; "semantics[13].label" = "Assistive technology label for solution"; "semantics[13].default" = "Correct answer:"; "semantics[14].label" = "Assistive technology label for input field"; "semantics[14].description" = "Use @num and @total to replace current cloze number and total cloze number"; "semantics[14].default" = "Blank input @num of @total"; "semantics[15].label" = "Assistive technology label for saying an input has a tip tied to it"; "semantics[15].default" = "Tip available"; "semantics[16].label" = "Tip icon label"; "semantics[16].default" = "Tip"; "semantics[17].label" = "Behavioural settings."; "semantics[17].description" = "These options will let you control how the task behaves."; "semantics[17].fields[0].label" = "Enable \"Retry\""; "semantics[17].fields[1].label" = "Enable \"Show solution\" button"; "semantics[17].fields[2].label" = "Enable \"Check\" button"; "semantics[17].fields[3].label" = "Automatically check answers after input"; "semantics[17].fields[4].label" = "Case sensitive"; "semantics[17].fields[4].description" = "Makes sure the user input has to be exactly the same as the answer."; "semantics[17].fields[5].label" = "Require all fields to be answered before the solution can be viewed"; "semantics[17].fields[6].label" = "Put input fields on separate lines"; "semantics[17].fields[7].label" = "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\""; "semantics[17].fields[7].description" = "This options is not compatible with the \"Automatically check answers after input\" option"; "semantics[17].fields[8].label" = "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\""; "semantics[17].fields[9].label" = "Accept minor spelling errors"; "semantics[17].fields[9].description" = "If activated, an answer will also count as correct with minor spelling errors (3-9 characters: 1 spelling error, more than 9 characters: 2 spelling errors)"; "semantics[18].label" = "Check confirmation dialog"; "semantics[18].fields[0].label" = "Header text"; "semantics[18].fields[0].default" = "Finish ?"; "semantics[18].fields[1].label" = "Body text"; "semantics[18].fields[1].default" = "Are you sure you wish to finish ?"; "semantics[18].fields[2].label" = "Cancel button label"; "semantics[18].fields[2].default" = "Cancel"; "semantics[18].fields[3].label" = "Confirm button label"; "semantics[18].fields[3].default" = "Finish"; "semantics[19].label" = "Retry confirmation dialog"; "semantics[19].fields[0].label" = "Header text"; "semantics[19].fields[0].default" = "Retry ?"; "semantics[19].fields[1].label" = "Body text"; "semantics[19].fields[1].default" = "Are you sure you wish to retry ?"; "semantics[19].fields[2].label" = "Cancel button label"; "semantics[19].fields[2].default" = "Cancel"; "semantics[19].fields[3].label" = "Confirm button label"; "semantics[19].fields[3].default" = "Confirm"; "semantics[20].label" = "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker"; "semantics[20].default" = "You got :num out of :total points"; "semantics[21].label" = "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button"; "semantics[21].default" = "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered."; "semantics[22].label" = "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button"; "semantics[22].default" = "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution."; "semantics[23].label" = "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button"; "semantics[23].default" = "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again."; "semantics[24].label" = "Assistive technology description for starting task"; "semantics[24].default" = "Checking mode";