"semantics[0].label" = "メディア";
"semantics[0].fields[0].label" = "タイプ";
"semantics[0].fields[0].description" = "設問の上に表示するオプションのメディア。";
"semantics[0].fields[1].label" = "Disable image zooming";
"semantics[1].label" = "タスクの説明";
"semantics[1].default" = "空欄を埋めなさい";
"semantics[1].description" = "どのようにしてこのタスクに答えるかをユーザーに説明するガイド";
"semantics[2].label" = "テキストブロック";
"semantics[2].entity" = "テキストブロック";
"semantics[2].field.label" = "テキスト行";
"semantics[2].field.placeholder" = "オスロは*ノルウェー*の首都です。";
"semantics[2].field.important.description" = "
- 空白は、正しい単語/フレーズの前後にアスタリスク(*)を付けて追加されます。
- 代替回答はスラッシュ(/)で区切ります。
- ヒントの前にコロン(:)を使用して、テキストのヒントを追加できます。
"semantics[2].field.important.example" = "H5Pコンテンツは、*browser/web-browser:Something you use every day*を使用して編集できます。";
"semantics[3].label" = "全体のフィードバック";
"semantics[3].fields[0].widgets[0].label" = "デフォルト";
"semantics[3].fields[0].label" = "ある得点範囲に対して、カスタムフィードバックを定義します。";
"semantics[3].fields[0].description" = "[範囲の追加]ボタンをクリックして、必要な数の範囲を追加します。 例:0〜20%の悪いスコア、21〜91%の平均スコア、91〜100%の素晴らしいスコア!";
"semantics[3].fields[0].entity" = "範囲";
"semantics[3].fields[0].field.fields[0].label" = "得点範囲";
"semantics[3].fields[0].field.fields[2].label" = "Feedback for defined score range";
"semantics[3].fields[0].field.fields[2].placeholder" = "Fill in the feedback";
"semantics[4].label" = "「ソリューションを表示」ボタンのテキスト";
"semantics[4].default" = "解を表示";
"semantics[5].label" = "「再試行」ボタンのテキスト";
"semantics[5].default" = "再試行";
"semantics[6].label" = "「チェック」ボタンのテキスト";
"semantics[6].default" = "チェック";
"semantics[7].label" = "Text for \"Submit\" button";
"semantics[7].default" = "Submit";
"semantics[8].label" = "Text for \"Not filled out\" message";
"semantics[8].default" = "Please fill in all blanks to view solution";
"semantics[9].label" = "「 ':ans'は正しい」メッセージのテキスト";
"semantics[9].default" = "':ans'は正しい";
"semantics[10].label" = "「 ':ans'が間違っています」メッセージのテキスト";
"semantics[10].default" = "':ans'が間違っています";
"semantics[11].label" = "「正しく回答されました」メッセージのテキスト";
"semantics[11].default" = "正しく回答されました";
"semantics[12].label" = "「誤って回答しました」メッセージのテキスト";
"semantics[12].default" = "誤って回答しました";
"semantics[13].label" = "Assistive technology label for solution";
"semantics[13].default" = "Correct answer:";
"semantics[14].label" = "Assistive technology label for input field";
"semantics[14].description" = "Use @num and @total to replace current cloze number and total cloze number";
"semantics[14].default" = "Blank input @num of @total";
"semantics[15].label" = "Assistive technology label for saying an input has a tip tied to it";
"semantics[15].default" = "ヒント利用可能";
"semantics[16].label" = "Tip icon label";
"semantics[16].default" = "Tip";
"semantics[17].label" = "動作設定";
"semantics[17].description" = "これらのオプションでタスクがどのように動作するかを制御できます。";
"semantics[17].fields[0].label" = "「リトライ」を有効化";
"semantics[17].fields[1].label" = "Enable \"Show solution\" button";
"semantics[17].fields[2].label" = "Enable \"Check\" button";
"semantics[17].fields[3].label" = "Automatically check answers after input";
"semantics[17].fields[4].label" = "Case sensitive";
"semantics[17].fields[4].description" = "Makes sure the user input has to be exactly the same as the answer.";
"semantics[17].fields[5].label" = "Require all fields to be answered before the solution can be viewed";
"semantics[17].fields[6].label" = "Put input fields on separate lines";
"semantics[17].fields[7].label" = "Show confirmation dialog on \"Check\"";
"semantics[17].fields[7].description" = "This options is not compatible with the \"Automatically check answers after input\" option";
"semantics[17].fields[8].label" = "Show confirmation dialog on \"Retry\"";
"semantics[17].fields[9].label" = "Accept minor spelling errors";
"semantics[17].fields[9].description" = "If activated, an answer will also count as correct with minor spelling errors (3-9 characters: 1 spelling error, more than 9 characters: 2 spelling errors)";
"semantics[18].label" = "Check confirmation dialog";
"semantics[18].fields[0].label" = "Header text";
"semantics[18].fields[0].default" = "Finish ?";
"semantics[18].fields[1].label" = "Body text";
"semantics[18].fields[1].default" = "Are you sure you wish to finish ?";
"semantics[18].fields[2].label" = "Cancel button label";
"semantics[18].fields[2].default" = "Cancel";
"semantics[18].fields[3].label" = "Confirm button label";
"semantics[18].fields[3].default" = "Finish";
"semantics[19].label" = "Retry confirmation dialog";
"semantics[19].fields[0].label" = "Header text";
"semantics[19].fields[0].default" = "Retry ?";
"semantics[19].fields[1].label" = "Body text";
"semantics[19].fields[1].default" = "Are you sure you wish to retry ?";
"semantics[19].fields[2].label" = "Cancel button label";
"semantics[19].fields[2].default" = "Cancel";
"semantics[19].fields[3].label" = "Confirm button label";
"semantics[19].fields[3].default" = "Confirm";
"semantics[20].label" = "Textual representation of the score bar for those using a readspeaker";
"semantics[20].default" = "You got :num out of :total points";
"semantics[21].label" = "Assistive technology description for \"Check\" button";
"semantics[21].default" = "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.";
"semantics[22].label" = "Assistive technology description for \"Show Solution\" button";
"semantics[22].default" = "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.";
"semantics[23].label" = "Assistive technology description for \"Retry\" button";
"semantics[23].default" = "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again.";
"semantics[24].label" = "Assistive technology description for starting task";
"semantics[24].default" = "Checking mode";